Author Advantage 3: Get Paid Quickly and Completely on Author Spots


As authors, we all know it’s a pain waiting for monthly, or even quarterly, royalty payouts from book-selling sites like Amazon that—admit it—laughably give you pennies on the dollar. At Author Spots, we believe your work is worth being rewarded in real time and in full.

Earn More Money

On Author Spots, not only do you keep 100% of your sales on the site, you also get paid when you make the sales, not months from now. Unlike other selling sites where you—at best—take home a mere 30–40% of the profits, Author Spots is all about helping authors make the money they deserve from their selling efforts. They’re your books, so it should be your profit.

No Commissions

We’re completely serious when we say that Author Spots takes no commissions on your sales. Plus, Author Spots’s low monthly membership fee carries no terms or contracts beyond what you want to do, which is harnessing the potential to start making real, robust profits after only two or three sales per month!

Why Create This Model?

The creators of Author Spots want to help authors make the most out of their sales. It’s that simple. “The small percentage authors receive for their own work and products from Amazon did not sit well with me,” says Spots Initiatives co-founder Ana Tredrea, reflecting on when she learned about the reality of what authors go through selling their work. “I knew we needed to change that.”

What’s the Catch?

There really is no catch. The only fees you’ll see are the monthly membership and the standard Stripe transaction processing fee of 2.9% + 30¢. You can choose to build that little bit into your pricing if you like since you have complete control over what customers pay for your books

How Do I Make the Most Out of This Opportunity?

Share, share, share your Author Spots storefront, and direct your readers here so you can get the most from every sale. As a reader, I know I want to be able to support my favorite authors in a meaningful way. Your readers will want to do the same, especially when they can get autographed books shipped to them directly from the author, who ultimately makes more money.

Hands down, Author Spots lets you earn more money sooner so you can continue writing and thriving as an author!

Want to Know More about Author Spots?

There’s so much more to share about the benefits of selling your books on Author Spots. Stay tuned for more blogs that detail all the advantages or check out the Top Ten Author Spots Advantages at Your Service blog for a little bit of everything.

Ready to Register Today?

If you haven’t already, learn more and open your Author Spots storefront today.


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About the Author ~ Victoria Hyla Maldonado

Victoria Hyla Maldonado has been writing all her life and has worked professionally as a writer and editor for more than 20 years. She is the author of the substantive women’s fiction Hearts Drawn Wyld trilogy (Victoria J. Hyla) as well as several anthology-published short stories. She also is the author of several children’s books. She lives in the western suburbs of Chicago with her husband and children and is working on a new romance trilogy as well as several other short stories and more children’s books.

Visit Her Storefront on Spots!